Serving as the single global provider, Eden partnered with the bank to deliver a modernized workspace program...

...which required massive logistic considerations, constant field communications, executive reporting, physical touches, and support at the desktop level throughout the enterprise. The initiative had board level visibility and was on the critical path for other mission critical systems.

The goal of the project was to perform a hardware refresh in parallel with the workspace upgrade effort. To support this, Eden implemented a structured transformation program which was supported by our Migration Manager software. This combination of methodology and toolsets allowed the bank to maintain a real time global perspective on the program’s progress and provided a means to quickly and accurately identify challenges or roadblocks and proactively address them.

When the business requested that the program be accelerated by 25% to meet a mission critical deadline,...

...Eden’s modular approach provided the bank with the flexibility to do so at no additional cost. Over 400 Eden field resources across the US, UK, Canada, and Asia were leveraged to deliver the systems upgrade on time and within budget.

By meeting the deadline and combing the hardware refresh component with the OS migration, the bank was able to realize a cost avoidance of nearly $38M in depreciation and $3M in third party vendor support.

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